View of the exposed tomb of the Beds and Sarcophagi in San Cerbone necropolis, Populonia
7th century BCE.

View of the exposed tomb of the Beds and Sarcophagi in San Cerbone necropolis, Populonia.

7th century BCE.
© Photo, text: G. I. Sokolov. Iskusstvo etruskov. M., Izd-vo “Iskusstvo”, 1990, s. 36, il. 17.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ετρουρία ετρουσκική etruria etruscan etrusco etruskisch etruskische etruskischer etruskischen étrusque view of the exposed tomb beds and sarcophagi in san cerbone necropolis populonia