The meal scene
Late 4th — early 3rd centuries BCE.
Tarquinia, Tomb of the Shields
The meal scene.
Late 4th — early 3rd centuries BCE.
Tarquinia, Tomb of the Shields.
© Photo, text: G. I. Sokolov. Iskusstvo etruskov. M., Izd-vo “Iskusstvo”, 1990, s. 279, il. 158.
Keywords: pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture ζωγραφικήί wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία etruscan etrusca etruskische étrusque ετρουσκική female dress clothes clothing garment abbigliamento femminile damenbekleidung vêtements pour femmes γυναικεία ρούχα hairdo hairstyle pettinatura acconciatura weibliche frisur coiffure féminine θηλυκό χτένισμα male footwear footgear calzatura frauenschuhe chaussures παπούτσια bracelet braccialetto bracciale armband armreif armspange spange armilla βραχιόλι wreath kranz couronne corona earring earrings orecchino orecchini ohrring ohrringe boucle d’oreille beard bearded man barba uomo barbuto bart bärtiger mann barbe homme barbu barbatum γενειάδα γενειοφόρος άνθρωπος reclining reclinabile reclinabili reclinata liegend inclinable ανακλινόμενα fruit fruits frutto frutti frucht früchte frux fruges φρούτο bunch of grapes grappolo d’uva weintraube wein traube grappe de raisin uva botrys botrus τσαμπί σταφύλια frizzle curl arricciamento arricciolamento ricciolo riccio krause ringel frisure frisottis cup bowl coppa becher schale coupe meandro mäander méandre meander meandros μαίανδρος fan flabello wedel flabcllum table tavolo tisch τραπέζι τράπεζα bed couch letto bett klinê lit couche kline lectus triclinaris κλίνη adornment adornments adornamento adornamenti schmuck verzierungen ornement ornament ornamento διακοσμητική γραμμή servant servitore servo topboot boot boots stivali stiefel stiefeln bottes wave-pattern wave-like wavy food foodstuffs cibo generi alimentari essen kost speise lebensmitte le manger produits bread pane brot pain feast banquet banchetto gastmahl festin transparent and translucent trasparente traslucido transparente durchscheinende kleidung vêtement translucide small dinner tavolinetto tischchen trapeza chess chequer di scacchi schach-ornament d’échecs flat cake pasticca fladen galette closed in shoes scarpe chiuse geschlossene schuhe fermées cinerary funerary funerario grabbett begräbnisbett funéraire tomb the shields tomba degli scudi tarquinia funeral meal revelry for repose dead pasto funebre leichenschmaus repas lars velch larth